The purpose of the Association pour la Connaissance et la Diffusion du Droit au Cameroun (Association for the Knowledge and Dissemination of Law in Cameroon) is to promote law in Cameroon. This Association was created and recognised on 28 January 2008 by prefectoral receipt n° 016/RDA/F.35/BAPP of 28 January 2008. It is essentially secular, non-political and non-profit-making. Éditions Juridiques Camerounaises (E.J.C.®) is the extension of this Association in terms of publishing, promotion and distribution of legal works and documents. The objectives of the Association will be achieved mainly : - through legal publishing in Cameroon, in particular through the drafting and publication of books and documents, brochures or legal booklets intended for the public, whether informed or lay; - by producing and hosting radio and television programmes; - by publishing legal articles in the written press, on the Internet or by any other means of dissemination; - by providing legal advice on request, etc. Its registered office is in Bafoussam, B.P. 543, Cameroon. It has external branches.
Our mission
The aim of this site is to make available to a wide audience, whether law professionals or laymen, all available legal data relating to Cameroon.
On the one hand, and in the first instance, by providing information on the existence of this data, which consists of Texts of all kinds, publications of Doctrine, the existence of decisions of Jurisprudence, the inventory of Theses and Dissertations defended, the presentation of proposed Proofs and Answers, as well as Books and Documents, Journals and Periodicals published.
Secondly, the content of this data will be made available, according to the format in which it is made available.
In other words, the development and enrichment of this site will be permanent and progressive.
Searching for information is easy and can be done :
The site's scientific manager is Professor Guy Blaise DZEUKOU, Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences at the University of Dschang ( /
Nos Textes
Nous disposons de 65 textes, dont :
#Loi(19) #Acte uniforme(18) #Décret(10) #Accord(6) #Règlement(4) #Accord-cadre(3) #Arrêté(2) #Traité(2) #Ordonnance(1)Nos Doctrines
Nous disposons de 52 doctrines, dont :
#Articles de doctrine(51) #livres et ouvrages(1)I. POURVOI EN CASSATION – Condamné – Désistement – Donné acte. II. DÉSISTEMENT – Régularité – Donné acte.
I. AVOCAT – Ministère obligatoire – Cour Suprême II. POURVOI EN CASSATION – Ministère d’avocat – Obligation – Absence – Déchéance.
Nos Ouvrages
Nous disposons actuellement de 4 Documents Pouvant être retrouvés par la recherche thématique ou les filtres par critères, dont:
Thèses de PhD (1)
Mémoires de Master(0)
Liens Internet utile au Cameroun
Les sites internet listés ci-dessous contiennent des informations et actualités juridiques et fiscales. Pour toute suggestion ou correction, merci de nous contacter.